Melanie Flyte's Fundraiser
Join me in supporting AXYS and individuals with X and Y Variations and their families
AXYS, the Association for X and Y Chromosome Variations, is an advocacy, education and support organization for individuals with X and Y chromosome variations and their families. This includes those with Klinefelter syndrome (47,XXY), Trisomy X (47,XXX), 47,XYY, 48,XXYY, 48,XXXY and related variations.
X and Y variations are not common. While people with X and Y variations may find connections and local support for some aspects of their lives, it is rare to find local information and support regarding X and Y variations, or providers well-versed and experienced in those variations.
AXYS does important work providing education and support for individuals with X and Y variations, and strives to help them lead fuller, more productive lives. AXYS means a lot to me, and I am proud of the important work AXYS does.
While X and Y Variations are not common, neurodivergence does appear to be more common in individuals with X and Y variations than in the general population. I hope that as humanity grows to celebrate and accept everyone for who they are, including neurodivergent individuals and their community, we also recognize and support the great work AXYS does on behalf of those with X and Y variations.
Please join me in supporting AXYS, by donating $47, $48, or $49 representing individuals with X and Y Variations AXYS supports.