Jeniffer Johnston's Fundraiser

Help me help the 2019 AXYS Family Conference
With your support my registration and hotel fees will be free.
We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!
We want to attend the 2019 AXYS Family Conference in Atlanta, GA from June 28 - 30th.
In 2017 our son was diagnosed with a somewhat rare genetic disorder. We were absolutely blindsided with this news. We were trying to learn as much as we could so we could help him. We were blessed enough to find the amazing people at AXYS and families going through the same things we were. They told us about the is conference and said we had just missed it but it would come around in two years. Well what a surprise that it is in our state this year! We were very excited! And our son got his hopes up that we would attend. With everything he has going on medically we saw a new specialist today that said he needed back surgery. Now not much of it is going to be covered by his insurance admit much else is anyway. But finding out tickets would be almost $1,000.00 completely took my breath away. We definitely can't afford to go. Not with the news that we have to pay for his back surgery just two weeks before the conference. It's such an important event full of lectures and classes we don't want to miss it, it could help us understand his condition even more.
This conference provides an opportunity for me to hear up to date information from medical professionals and leading researchers on x & y variations as well as meeting others in the x & y community from across the globe. This 2-day event will help me to learn more about how I can improve my life.
Once we reach my fundraising goal, AXYS will waive my registration fee and cover my hotel costs. All donations go directly to AXYS, which is a registered 501(c)(3) charity. Please consider supporting me by making a donation so I can attend this amazing event. Thank you,
The Johnston family!