Rob Lee's Fundraiser

Helping children across the country gain access to expert medical care!
Helping families with X and Y variations
We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!
My son has struggled his whole life with Anxiety & Learning Delays. Finally at the age of 10, we got some answers, from genetic testing, revealing a diagnosis of Klinefelter's Syndrome. This led us to the internet and and an organization called AXYS! Our doctors & insurance referred us to our local Children’s Hospital here in Denver CO. The waiting list was over a year long! Why so long? What we found out, is the eXtrrdinarY Kids Clinic is one of only a few Doctors across the country specializing in X&Y chromosomal variations. Families spend thousands of dollars & travel thousands of miles just get one-time care from this team, and this is now MY son’s team of Doctors! We are so blessed we live in the same town! — AXYS is working to change this for the better! For as little as $2000, AXYS can open a clinic in a hospital near you! AXYS's goal is to open 100 clinics across the United States. What else does AXYS do? They host bi-annual Family Medical Conferences. At the 2013 conference, my family participated in a Medical Research Study that helped to develop the ‘Harmony’ Blood Test, a safe & simple prenatal screening, being used today, instead of amniocentesis! - AXYS is helping all of us! - Please help us! Our family would like to attend the 2019 AXYS Family Conference in Atlanta, GA from June 28 - 30th.
This conference provides an opportunity for us to hear up to date information from medical professionals and leading researchers on X & Y variations as well as meeting others in the X & Y community from across the globe. My son met ‘someone like himself’ in 2015 and our families are still in contact today! This will be our 4th conference we have attended, and we cannot imagine NOT attending. We learned so much and have improved our lives in so many ways! Please consider making a donation to AXYS today! Any amount helps! — We appreciate anything you can do, and please pass this on to everyone you know. X & Y variations are part of the ‘Hidden in Plain Sight’ disorders that we are hearing about nowadays. Sharing this with every one you know, may end up helping them as well! We value this conference so much, we will be there no matter what, BUT if we reach our fundraising goal, AXYS will waive our registration fees. All donations go directly to AXYS, which is a registered 501(c)(3) charity. Please consider supporting us by making a donation, so we can attend this amazing event. Thank you! Remember, my deadline is May 31st, so DONATE TODAY!
Rob, Jamie, Bobby & Jory